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姓名:Daniel J. Dudek

The Chief Economist of Environmental Defense. The council member of CCICED

Daniel J. Dudek received his B.S., summa cum laude, from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1973. In 1975, he received his M.S. in agricultural economics from the University of California, Davis. He was awarded his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from the University of California, Davis in 1979.

He has advised various public and private institutions including Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development; Ministry of Environment, Poland; United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; Regional Environment Center, Budapest; Acid Rain Advisory Committee and Clean Air Act Compliance Committee, US Environmental Protection Agency; Chicago Board of Trade; Secretary of Energy Advisory Board; British Petroleum; and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Since 1996, Dr. Dudek began developing SO2 emissions trading in China. Partnering with China government departments, he led the team of Environmental Defense China Program to pilot the SO2 emission trading system in 7 provinces and one power group. Environmental Defense China Programs partners include State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), National Peoples Congress (NPC), National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Development and Research Center of the State Council, China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) and many local governments.

Because of his great contribution to China, he was awarded the National Friendship Award, the greatest honor granted by China government to foreigners in 2004. In 2007, Dr. Dudek was appointed as one of the 23 council members of CCICED, the superior advisory body to the Chinese government on environment and sustainable development issues.

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 康晓光  王 炜  杨 澜  许戈辉  路一鸣  康 辉  何 伟  张华莹  查锡我
 王文华  柳 红  马永生  张醒生  沈皓瑜  程 原  韩家寰  何 伟  杨 壮
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 陈明宇  Daniel J. Dudek  林永青  张东梅  尚 健  许善达  周云蓬  胡 明  梅 燕
 王卫东  李 昀  胡海燕  吴 斌  毛 浩  郭爱平  张 虹  赵 众  高 勇
 刘征宇  喻 恒  王 斌  邹其芳  张 延  David K. Diebold  张惠良  王子恢  刘东华
 夏莉莉  杨 克  何 毅  周有财  刘洪川  唐 捷  温文驰  杨 鹏  黄 辉
 张 延  王少剑  张 锐  李万寿  何忠义  莫天全  Youba Sokona  周志懿  徐 坤
 刘江南  阎 兰  吴雪筠  刘煜炎  田 薇  蒋澄宇  Frank-Jürgen Richter  吴雪筠  涂志云
 张 莉  Ramon Pichs Madruga  Thor Boe  朱卫彬  严望佳
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